Women in the Blue Economy
Empowering Women and Mainstreaming Gender Equality in the Blue Economy
Gender equality creates more jobs and increases productivity. In business, research, politics and society, the EU can only reach its full potential if uses all its talent and diversity. Despite significant progress, neither Member States nor economic sectors have reached full gender equality. WINBLUE makes its contribution by optimising the allocation of scarce resources on a set of tailored activities to the achievement of equality between men and women. WINBLUE is a sustainability-oriented multi-actor project aiming to reduce these inequalities.
WINBLUE intends to accelerate the empowerment of women in the blue economy, facilitating their participation in five sectors focused on the conservation and sustainable use of aquatic resources:
- Circular blue bioeconomy and biotechnology
- Aquaculture and fisheries
- Offshore renewable energy
- Sustainable coastal tourism
- Cutting-edge enabling technology for protecting and restoring marine ecosystems
To increase participation and representation of women in the different sectors of the sustainable blue economy
To advance gender equality, e.g., countering gender stereotypes, conscious and unconscious bias, promoting equal pay, addressing poor work conditions
To promote women’s leadership, entrepreneurship and participation in governance structures and decision-making mechanisms of organisations
How winblue adDresses
the objectives
Release methods and practices as well as training and coaching services to be adopted by public and/or private organizations
Identification, collection and selection of data and publication of good practices to improve knowledge of the state of the art of gender equality
Practices will have the potential to be scaled up and replicated after the end of the project promoting blue career opportunities to girls from early education
Development of bottom-up co-creation workshops will adopt Gender Equality Plans enhancing the position of women in the decision-making bodies of public entities and private companies
WINBLUE will provide easily replicable solutions capitalising on the results of other projects or initiatives and sharing knowledge, information and practices. Finally, the project will promote mutual learning among partners and stakeholders coming from different sectors and countries and boost an uptake of good practices that already work in specific relevant environments.
Feel free to ask us
If you are interested in connecting with us and learning more about our project and how you can participate, contact us here