WINBLUE will participate in the XIV edition of the Diplomacy Festival


Oct 2023




Oct 2023



Timezone: GMT+01:00

Agenda of the event:
23rd October 2023, 15.30-17.00 (CEST)

  1. Helena Veira, Coordinator WIN-BIG (online)
  2. Rebecca Pogni, Task leader WINBLUE, University of Siena (online)
  3. Annamaria La Civita, Director General Assonave (in presence)
  4. Francesca Biondo, Director General Federpesca (in presence)
  5. Tiziana Murgia, Senior Officer Assoporti (in presence)
  6. Ondrilla Fernandes, Employment Affairs Adviser International Chamber of Shipping (online)
  7. Stefano Rotolo, Italian Coast Guard, VI Reparto (in presence)
  8. Barbara Magro, Italian Coast Guard, Uff. 4°-VTS/Reparto VII (in presence)
  9. Caterina Cerrini WISTA ITALY (online)

From here you can access the Diplochannels, the web channels on which the streaming events of the Diplomacy Festival are broadcast.

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