Workshop on the Blue Economy and Gender Equality

Workshop on the Blue Economy and Gender Equality



Nov 2023




Nov 2023



The “WINBLUE- Empowering Women and Mainstreaming Gender Equality in the Blue Economy” project is organising the workshop to build a co-ordination process with the WIN-BIG Empowering Women in the Blue Economy” project (selected under the same EMFAF call “Women in the Blue Economy”) and triggering a collaboration process with other International, European, national, and regional initiatives. The workshop aims to: · exchanging experiences, and knowledge, and discussing the challenges related to Gender Equality, in particular focusing on the blue economy, · identifying a set of joint actions and defining a common plan to be implemented for: o ensuring the availability of data on GE in the blue economy sectors, o sharing online courses and materials on GE in the blue economy sectors, o sharing good practices, o organising joint participation in local, national and European events, o activating a mutual learning process among the participants, aiming to establish a collaboration for co-organising activities and events. The process triggered by this workshop will facilitate planning the future collaboration process.

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