II Co-creation Workshop "Gender Equality Plans in the Blue Economy for Offshore Renewable Energy (GEPsBEORE)"
Jun 2024
Jun 2024
13:00PLOCAN is organising the GEPsBE ORE co-creation workshop in the framework of the “WINBLUE-Empowering Women and Mainstreaming Gender Equality in the Blue Economy” project. The workshop is located in Gran Canaria to facilitate in-person participation. This event aims to raise motivation in adopting GEPs in the Private sector and knowledge transfer from the Public to the Private sector starting from the experiences of the stakeholders working on Offshore Renewable Energy, considering the existing gaps, the real opportunities and the next steps necessary to empower gender balance. The discussion should allow identifying the features of actions and a Gender Equality model, aiming to or gender stereotyping. The workshop aims to offer a networking opportunity to stimulate knowledge sharing and, possibly, inspire other women. The workshop will approach the question of gender balance at the management level, the staff qualification, the use of gender-neutral language, and so on. Finally, the barriers and policies promoting hiring procedures, increasing gender balance in decision-making processes, introducing vertical and horizontal time flexibility, and introducing incentives for women should be discussed.