ISDI and Biochica for ISOSPAM project

ISDI and Biochica for ISOSPAM project


In the context of the outreach activities, ISDI has presented the key elements of the WINBLUE-Empowering Women and Mainstreaming GE in the Blue Economy, in collaboration with Biochica in occasion of a study visit of a delegation of Ecuadorean fishermen from the region of Manebi in the fishermen’s venue of Martinsicuro. This study visit is in the framework of the activities of the project “ISOSPAM-Innovacíon y sotenibilidad del sector pesquero artesanal de Manabí”, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. The occasion was an opportunity of a joint discussion and cross-fertilization of the potentialities of sustainable development of the fisheries sector in the Ecuadorean region of Manabì, enhancing the capacity building of the Ecuadorean fishermen to utilize new materials obtained from fishing wastes and the women’s empowerment as a key actor for a more effective blue economy in their country.

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