On February 14, 2024, the second stage of the national roadshow of BioInvestIT, a forum on circular bioeconomy, was held at the Urban Centre in Trieste. During the event: 📈 the role of Technology Transfer and the financial instruments to support businesses connected to the circular economy including those of the blueconomy and biotech were explored; ♻️ Two European case studies were analysed on industrial technologies and business models that promote the transition to a circular economy applicable to different sectors. 💪 seven companies tried to win over the jury of experts to win the passage to the next step. The participants in the selection were various Italian start-ups linked to the Circular Economy and blue economy. The prize was awarded to Biochica Start Up!. 🏆 BioChiCa: during the presentation, Biochica also highlighted WINBLUE Project and the important role of women in R&D—biotechnology—applied to the blue economy sector. The award to the Biochica start-up enhances and confirms how crucial the role of women is in the circular economy's growth! Stay tuned to the next national roadshow!

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